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Not sure what plant you're looking for?

Are you searching for a plant for a north facing wall or clay soil? Or perhaps you're looking for a white flowering Clematis and don't know which variety to choose? Click below to find what you're looking for.



Red Flowers

We've Got Red Flowers

From ruby to strawberry, from port to merlot, from blood to fire, from scarlet to vermillion. The color Red is the colour of passion, danger, and beauty. Brilliant red flowers also attract birds and butterfiles well into autumn. Plant in wide swaths for eye-popping results.

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Yellow Flowers

We've Got Yellow Flowers

Still bright, but softer and more inviting than orange or red, yellow flowers create a bright and serene environment. They also represent joy, new beginnings, happiness, purity and intellectual energy. Add a cheery pop of gold and yellow to your garden design.

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Trees & Everything Green

Green is the color of rebirth and growth, highlighting natural beauty and expanding on it to make a glorious color palette. Trees help bring gracefulness, movement and change to the garden – so important to the designer's goal of interpreting nature and capturing its essence. Their leaves undergo color changes from spring to summer to fall, and the color of their bark changes with age and depending upon the amount of sun and shade they receive.

Plant Finder