This short guide provides hints and tips on how to help your outdoor plants thrive in your garden.



  • This is by far the most important tip we can give you. Plants need water to survive, and a lack of it can leave a plant looking hungry or tired.
  • Don’t let the compost dry out, keep it moist, and ideally don’t leave your plant sat in water either, as too much water can sometimes also be harmful.
  • At the Garden Centre, we may be watering some plants twice a day, especially in warm conditions.
  • Different plants have different watering requirements. Try not to get bogged down with this, just make sure your plant doesn’t dry out.
  • The worst possible thing for any plant is a lack of water, or worse still, none at all.
  • If you are ever in need of more specific watering advice, just ask us in store, or give us call, or get in touch online, we are here to help and always happy to hear from our customers.
So you have your plant, what's next?

So you have your plant, what's next?

  • Nearly all of our plants are sold in pots. This is just a simple starter container, and almost without exception, all the plants we sell are ready for ‘potting on’ as soon as you get them home.
  • Most plants will benefit from being potted in to a larger container.
  • This will give the plant the best growing conditions, and ease the need for watering too.
  • Of course, you may be planting directly in to the garden soil. Plants love being in the soil, after all this is where they all originated from!


  • Plants are literally living & breathing all the time, and they need food too, just like us. We have made sure there is already enough food in the compost to get you started. However, for the best long-term results, after a week or so, start feeding your plant regularly.
  • We stock a vast selection of liquid & granular feeds, if you are not sure which one is best for your plant, please ask us for help.
Dead Heading

Dead Heading

  • Picking off the dead flowers from your plant isn’t always essential, but it is certainly helpful for the plant as it won’t waste energy making seeds from the spent flowers. Instead, it can put that energy towards new flower buds, leaf growth or root growth.
  • Dead heading also keeps your plant looking great too, so if you have the time & inclination, snipping off the past their best flowers (dead heading) is always beneficial.