Blue Diamond
Vegetable plant maintenance in September
- Broccoli, Cabbage & Cauliflower - keep netted with a fine mesh to stop cabbage white butterflies from landing and laying eggs. These turn into caterpillars which can then destroy crops.
- Brussels sprouts - earth up and firm down soil around plants, to prevent rocking in windy weather.
- Celeriac - remove horizontal leaves to expose the crown and help the root bulk up.
- Chilli peppers - keep harvesting to extend the productive season as long as possible. They can be used fresh, frozen or dried out for use over the winter.
- Cucumber - pinch out the growing tip, water and feed with tomato fertiliser.
- French & Runner beans - allow a couple of pods to dry out on each plant. Collect these and place in a paper bag until the spring when they can be sown again.
- Leeks - earth up the stems with soil to increase the length of the white stems.
- Peas - add supports to peas sown in the summer. Twigs from early autumn pruning activities are perfect for this.
- Radish - water well and pick every few days. They are quick growers, and the roots will quickly go woody and become unpalatable if left too long.
- Tomatoes - pinch out the tops of plants. Remove any growth below the lowest fruits, any leafy growth which is shading fruit, and any new flowers. This will increase air flow and help the plant to ripen the remaining fruit.
- Turnips - thin these to 8cm (3in) apart. The leafy tops of the ones which you remove can be used in the kitchen as greens - in stews and omelettes, for example.
- If the hot and dry weather of the summer has continued, make sure to keep plants well-watered. This is particularly important for new seedlings, which can quickly wither without a little help.