Capsule Collection
Below are 25 plants which form part of our "capsule wardrobe". These plants are perfect for mixing and matching with seasonal plants throughout the year, to help you transform your outdoor space no matter how big or small. These 25 plants can be purchased in most Blue Diamond Garden Centres, subject to availability, but please check with your local centre.

1. Erigeron karvinskianus | Mexican Fleabane
Bees and butterflies and other pollinators love Erigeron! This plant produces masses of dainty, white, daisy-like flowers over a long flowering period. With a low growing habit, it is ideal for softening hard landscaping such as walls and balcony edges. Erigeron is drought tolerant, ideal for growing in full sun and it will tolerate shade.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 30 x 50cm
Flowers: May–Oct
Position: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low Maintenance*

2. Rosmarinus officinalis | Common Rosemary
A savoury, aromatic herb with needle-like leaves that attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, supporting the health of urban ecosystems. The aromatic foliage not only enhances the garden’s natural pest control, by deterring pests and mosquitoes, but also adds a lovely fragrance.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 90 x 60cm
Flowers: May–June
Position: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*

3. Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelii’ | Ethiopian Black Banana
A fast-growing banana plant with huge leaves which will add an exotic and tropical feel to any space. It is tolerant of pollution so ideal for an urban garden or patio. As it is tender, it is best kept in a pot and brought inside for the winter.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 250 x 150cm
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Wall Screening*

4. Thymus vulgaris | Common Thyme
Thyme is a fragrant herb that attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, thereby supporting urban garden biodiversity. With its small, green leaves, thyme adds charm to the garden while providing food sources for pollinators and for us!
Plant Information:
Height and spread: Variable
Flowers: Spring
Position: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low Maintenance*

5. Pinus nigra ‘Brepo’ | Austrian Pine
A dwarf, slow growing conifer with a neat, compact form, rich-green needles and small cones. It retains its shape naturally, so no pruning is needed. Ideal for growing in a container on a patio or on a roof garden.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 50 x 30cm
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low Maintenance*

6. Phyllostachys nigra | Black Bamboo
Also known as black bamboo, it is ideal for growing against a wall in a large pot. This bamboo is evergreen and its unique black stems create a dramatic and exotic backdrop year round, acting as a privacy screen or windbreak, whilst adding a touch of sophistication to any urban garden design.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 2.5–4 x 2.5–4m
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low Maintenance*

7. Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Bannow Bay’
A compact shrub with small, variegated, glossy-green leaves with a creamy edge, which colour change and age to green, tinted-pink and then crimson in winter. Small, scented, bell-shaped, dark purple flowers are produced in clusters, from early summer. This evergreen plant provides year round interest, it is lowmaintenance, versatile and can be used for hedging or grown in a pot.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 1m x 60cm
Flowers: May–June
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low Maintenance*

8. Ilex crenata | Japanese Holly
An evergreen, slow-growing plant which is tolerant of sun or shade. Easy to maintain and suitable for shaping into clipped balls or bonsai forms, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to garden designs.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 100–150 x 60-90cm
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Well-drained
Low Maintenance*

9. Astelia chathamica ‘Silver Spear’
A statement, eye-catching plant with architectural, slender, silver leaves. Astelia is evergreen so can be a yearround focal point in a garden or on a patio. It is drought resistant, air purifying, needing little maintenance and is ideally suited to a pot or container.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 1.2m x 50cm
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low Maintenance*

10. Dicksonia antarctica | Soft Tree Fern
A large fern with curled fronds, also known as the soft tree fern, which elevates an urban garden by adding a tropical and exotic touch. This fern can also act as a natural air purifier, filtering out pollutants and enhancing the overall air quality in the garden.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 2–3 x 1.5–2m
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Wall and Screening*

11. Origanum vulgare | Oregano
Oregano, a sun-loving fragrant herb with small, aromatic green leaves, which attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. This versatile herb grows well either in a container or in the ground and is drought tolerant, making it a versatile option for city gardens.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 30 x 30cm
Flowers: Spring
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*

12. Euphorbia ‘Miner’s Merlot’
A plant with dark-green foliage on burgundy stems and bright-lime flowers which contrast with the foliage to add a pop of colour. Once established it is both drought and heat tolerant. A great addition to any ‘waterwise’ garden.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 60 x 60cm
Flowers: April–June
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Well-drained
Low Maintenance*

13. Eucalyptus gunnii ‘Azura’ | Cider Gum
An evergreen tree or large shrub with silvery-blue aromatic foliage and small white flowers which appear in the summer. It thrives in sun, is slow growing and is compact enough for a small garden, patio, or container.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 4–6 x 3–4m
Flowers: July–Oct
Position: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*
Wall and Screening*

14. Musa basjoo | Japanese Banana
An ornamental banana plant which thrives in a sunny position. Its large leaves and clusters of cream flowers create a lush and exotic atmosphere, providing shade and privacy. it looks brilliant in a sub-tropical border and you can also grow Musa basjoo in a pot on the patio.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 2–4 x 1.5–2m
Flowers: July–Aug
Position: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

15. Olea europea | Olive Tree
A fantastic Mediterranean shrub or tree with visually appealing silverygreen foliage. It will happily grow in a container and thrives in full sun.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 3–5 x 2–5m
Flowers: May–June
Position: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*
Wall and Screening*

16. Trachycarpus fortunei | Chusan Palm
A hardy palm tree with fan-shaped leaves which adds a tropical and exotic touch to the garden. In the summer it produces drooping panicles of yellow flowers which add to its exotic appearance. Popular as it thrives in the cooler temperatures of British gardens.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 3–5 x 1.5–2m
Flowers: Summer
Position: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

17. Dryopteris cycadina | Shaggy Shield Fern
A semi-evergreen fern with broad, pale-green fronds. It is easy to grow, low-maintenance and it thrives in shade, bringing lush greenery to any space.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 1m x 50cm
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full to partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

18. Dryopteris erythrosora | Copper Shield Fern
A semi-evergreen fern featuring striking coppery-pink fronds which age to a deeper green. It is easy to grow, low-maintenance and thrives in shade, bringing lush greenery to any space.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 1 x 1m
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full to partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

19. Dryopteris ‘Jurassic Gold’ | Alpine Wood Fern
A semi-evergreen fern which produces rose-tinted fronds that mature to a golden colour. It is easy to grow, lowmaintenance and thrives in shade, bringing lush greenery to any space.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 60 x 50cm
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full to partial shade
Soil: Moist
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

20. Hydrangea macrophylla | Lace cap Hydrangea
Lace cap Hydrangeas are recognisable by their flat flowerheads and clusters of tiny flowers. Very easy to grow and maintain. A lovely addition to the shaded areas of an urban garden.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 1.2 x 1.2m
Flowers: Spring
Position: Partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

21. Pittosporum tobira ‘Nanum’
A compact, rounded shrub with dark-green, glossy leaves. Small, honey-scented, white flowers are produced in clusters, from early summer, turning yellow as they age. It is a low-maintenance evergreen and provides year round interest – perfect for a sunny patio or an enclosed courtyard garden.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 1 x 1m
Flowers: May–June
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

22. Astelia ‘Westland’ | Bush Flax
A statement, eye-catching plant with architectural, slender leaves which are dark green and silvery-bronze. In colder conditions the leaves are tinted with red. Astelia is evergreen so can be a year round focal point in any garden or patio. It is drought resistant and air purifying, needing little maintenance and is ideally suited to a pot or container.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 1.2 x 1.2m
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

23. Athyrium ‘Lady In Red’
An upright, slowly-spreading, fern with bright red stems and green fronds. Athyrium are easy to grow, especially shade tolerant and suitable for pots, so are perfect for a partially shaded patio or courtyard garden.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 50 x 50cm
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Low Maintenance*

24. Chamaerops humilis | Dwarf Fan Palm
A bushy, evergreen dwarf palm, often stemless or multi-stemmed, with a rounded mass of fan-shaped leaves. Small yellow flowers are borne on mature plants. Tolerant of drought once established, it is suited to sun or part shade, a cool garden or a conservatory, gardens or patio pots – it is easy to look after and grow.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 2.5 x 1.5m
Flowers: Spring/summer
Position: Partial shade
Soil: Well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*

25. Stipa tenuissima | Mexican Feather Grass
Known as Mexican Feather grass, it forms a compact, upright tuft of leaves, with narrow, arching, feathery flowering panicles in summer. It is suitable for a container or a border.
Plant Information:
Height and spread: 1m x 50cm
Flowers: Non-flowering
Position: Sun
Soil: Moist, well-drained
Climate Tolerant*
Low maintenance*