Ethical Trading Policy
At Blue Diamond, we expect strong social and environmental standards from suppliers, but we recognise that many need practical help and support in implementing more sustainable practices.
Our challenge is to build supply chains that are resilient to the social and environmental challenges facing the industry, working closely with growers, producers and processors to champion and embed excellence in sustainability.
We would like all of our suppliers to be leaders in meeting or exceeding our social and environmental standards. Ethical trading is a key part of our sustainability strategy.
Read more on sustainability at
All our suppliers are required provide evidence of continuous improvements in worker welfare.
Suppliers must have in place their own code of conduct and resources, policies and systems to manage ethical trade. Suppliers must also monitor their performance and be able to report on progress to Blue Diamond.
We risk assess all our suppliers and require high and medium risk sites to conduct regular, independent, third-party ethical audits. Any issues identified by those audits must be resolved in an appropriate time frame. We also work to train suppliers on ethical trade and engage with key suppliers on projects designed to improve worker welfare.
We measure supplier performance against a number of key indicators for ethical trade and build this performance into our purchasing decisions.
Our commitment to ethical and responsible sourcing is ongoing and we work with suppliers to ensure they continuously improve their performance in this area.