
These bold, tough perennials are easy to grow and are becoming increasingly popular in gardens. Flowering in late summer, they combine well with other late perennials and grasses, especially in prairie-style plantings. The flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies.
Emma Greenwood, Gardener, The Vyne, Hampshire says:
We grow colourful Echinacea as part of our dedicated herb garden within the walled garden. We leave seed heads to stand over the winter for the birds.
Once an important Tudor palace, this atmospheric mansion has some illustrious connections, from Henry VIII to Jane Austen. Outside, acres of wildlife-rich gardens, meadows and woods create a wonderful space for relaxation and exploration, while the natural play space gives children freedom to let their imaginations take them on fantasy adventures. Sweeping lawns offer lakeside picnicking, and a short stroll reveals a cosy bird hide overlooking the water meadows.
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