Digitalis are a genus of herbaceous perennial plants, commonly called foxgloves. Foxgloves will grow in any soil type but do best in moist but free-draining soil in full to partially shaded light.

Louise Gardner, Senior Gardener, Peckover House, Cambridgeshire says:
Reaching back to its Victorian heyday, the Peckover family were keen to nurture the outside space as a showpiece for a wide range of planting. We continue on that path today with a focus on nature and have introduced a 'pollinator border' where we regularly grow Foxgloves.
Peckover House is a secret gem, an oasis hidden away in an urban environment. A classic Georgian merchant's town house, it was lived in by the Peckover family for 150 years. The gardens themselves are outstanding 2 acres of sensory delight, complete with orangery, summer-houses, croquet lawn and rose garden with a variety of species of rose.
Through sales generated from the National Trust Collection by Blue Diamond, a minimum of 10% of the retail sales price per product will be given to the National Trust to help look after nature, beauty and history for everyone, for ever.