Blue Diamond and the Soil Association

Plant and Share


One of the projects Blue Diamond and the Soil Association are working closely together on is ‘Plant and Share’ and it begins this April.

The idea behind this project is to help inspire the nation to get growing together and work alongside nature to transform the way we eat and care for our natural world.

Plant and Share is a hugely successful campaign where communities, schools and families get together to sow, grow and share plants.  In 2024 over 18,000 people attended the Soil Association Plant and Share event and we would like to help you to get involved too.

So where to begin?

So where to begin?

Spring is the natural time to venture outside and plan how to make the most of the space available to us.

Growing our own fruit and vegetables benefits both our physical and mental health and enables us to reconnect with the rhythms of nature.

With rising food costs growing your own produce is an economic, fun and rewarding way to enjoy good food.

So where to begin? 2

Getting out in the garden can do wonders for our wellbeing too whether you’re growing beautiful flowers or nourishing food. The joy of smelling a flower you have grown from a bulb or tasting a tomato you have grown from a seed is amazing, nothing quite compares to the taste of home-grown fruit and veg!

And this is where we come in...

Blue Diamond and the Soil Association want to bring communities together and to help everyone get growing this spring. Our aim is to provide you with tips, advice and resources that will guide and support you through your Plant and Share journey, no matter what size space you have.

Credit: © The Soil Association


Queen Bee Rose

Queen Bee Rose

Breeder synonym: TANO4603

Grow beautiful blooms to share with friends and family and support pollinating insects with the Soil Association's Queen Bee Rose.

This Floribunda rose with repeat flowering has eye catching clusters of amber-yellow flowers that contrasts with its olive green, very glossy foliage. The open cupped blooms attract bees and pollinating insects.  When fully grown, this rose can grow to a height approx. 80cm and a spread of approx. 60-70cm. Plant in beds and borders in full sun with good drainage.

£1 from every rose sold is donated to ‘The Soil Association’. Registered charity no. 206862.


Nature Friendly Gardening 'Must Reads'

Gardening in harmony with nature is one of our top priorities and we would like to share with you some ‘must reads’ before you embark on your Plant and Share journey.

Useful Products:

We have everything you need both in store and online to help you create your Plant and Share patch:

Soil Association Library Links

Four key themes to explore to get your growing activities off the ground.