NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an AGM of the Company will be held in the Fred Bell Lecture Theatre at Le Friquet Garden Centre, Rue du Friquet, Castel, Guernsey GY1 3XA at 10:30 a.m. on 14 June 2018 for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, adopting the following resolutions:


To re-elect Simon Burke who retires as a director and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election as a director of the Company.

To reappoint BDO Limited as Auditor of the Company from the end of this Annual General Meeting until the end of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company in accordance with section 257(4) of the Companies Law.

To authorise the Directors of the Company to determine the remuneration of the Auditor in accordance with section 259(a)(ii) of the Companies Law.
the words "Every person shall be entitled:" in Article 10 shall be deleted and replaced with the words "Every person so electing in writing (addressed to the Company) shall be entitled:"; and

the following new Article 12A shall be inserted after the existing Article 12 and before the title "LIEN": "12A. Where a person does not elect to receive a certificate in respect of his shares pursuant to Article 10, any requirement in these Articles for the provision to or by the Company of a share certificate, including but not limited to Article 32 (transfer and transmission of shares), the relevant Article shall be interpreted as not requiring the provision to or by the Company of a share certificate."

By Order of the Board
For and on behalf of Richard Hemans, Company Secretary
(8 May 2018)