Trelawney’s Carriages Restaurant Steams ahead with 5 star Food Hygiene Rating
22nd December 2015
Carriages Restaurant at Trelawney Garden Centre has been awarded a distinguished 5 star rating by their local Environmental Health Officer.
The Food Standards Agency, which is operated in partnership with Cornwall's local authority, has raised the food hygiene rating at Carriages Restaurant from 4 to 5 stars in November 2015.
'We are thrilled with this rating,' says Restaurant Manager, Helen Symons. 'We pride ourselves on offering the best quality home made cuisines and pastries so this is a big honour for all of our staff.
'It's a privilege to be recognised as a restaurant who take their food hygiene standards seriously and we do, with great pride.'
The Food Standards Agency, which is run by local authorities across England, Northern Ireland and Wales, carry out Food Hygiene Rating System (FHRS) checks to ascertain how hygienically the food is handled, prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored; the cleanliness, layout, lighting and ventilation of the business; and how well the business manages and records what it does to make sure food is safe for it's customers.
Trelawney Garden Centre, which joined the Blue Diamond Group in 2014, has been trading for over 40 years in Wadebridge, and has retained it's family ties with two of it's original owners, Helen Symons and David Danning continuing to work with the company. Carriages itself has an idyllic appeal and overlooks a picturesque large lake teaming with fish, otters and moorhens.