Percy Throwers at The Shrewsbury Flower Show
11th August 2022
Our team from Percy Throwers Garden Centre are currently setting up their stand at the 2022 Shrewsbury Flower Show.
The Flower Show has come a long way from humble beginnings in 1836, when it started out as a Carnation and Goosebury show in Frankwell. Shows and pageants were introduced into Shrewsbury in the early 1800s by the town burgesses to increase trade and income to the town.
Today’s Shrewsbury Flower Show features floral displays, TV personalities, celebrity chefs, live music and spectacular arena acts, along with numerous craft and food stalls which offer shopping opportunities. Each day ends with a massed band finale magnificent firework display.
The show is one of the country’s premier flower show events, attracting top exhibitors from all over the country. It has a small permanent staff and over 100 volunteers who manage and organise the whole event, from traffic flow, marquee and services contracts, publicity and marketing, public safety, catering, entertainment, engaging specialist judges for hundreds of competitive classes etc. and ensuring that our visitors have an extraordinary experience with value for money.
The main Quarry Marquee, which is non-competitive, is host to some of the top horticulturalists in the country. With many exhibitors vying for the top awards, with the standards being very high.
The popularity of the Outside Show Gardens grows each year. Judging of the Quarry Marquee takes place on Thursday and will be completed before the evening drinks party provided for members of the Society. The Show Gardens are judged on the Friday morning.
Severn Marquee is home to the various societies, amateur growers plus bees and honey exhibitors. Competition is fierce amongst the amateur growers who provide some wonderful displays. Judging takes place on Friday morning before the Show opens.
At this year's show, Percy Throwers will be selling a selection of our own brand Fryer's Roses, as well as wildlife attracting perennials.
Come and meet the team this weekend, on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th August.
Get your tickets now at