An Eggsellent enterprise that is helping raise awareness!
7th February 2018
At Brown & Green, we strive to bring you products that have been made by hand, made with heart and most definitely have a story. One such company is Ampleforth Plus, one of six enterprises set up by Yorkshire-based chairty, Autism Plus. They have been leading the way to raise awareness for Autism among adults and youths alike.
The main aim of Autism Plus is to create a unique, vibrant and welcoming environment where adults with autism and associated disabilities can be given the opportunity to experience work in real life commercial businesses where they will be able to learn a range of transferrable skills that equip them for the future, whilst helping to develop and create successful enterprises that they can feel part of.
Following extensive discussions with the monks at Ampleforth Abbey it was mutually agreed that both parties would benefit from working in partnership to engage with the local community and provide opportunities for disabled people currently not in work. The Abbey Trust owned a collection of redundant farm buildings which they agreed to lease to Autism Plus on a 99 year peppercorn lease along with an adjacent 5 acre field. In return Autism Plus agreed to refurbish the buildings and bring them back into use by establishing a number of social enterprises to produce goods and services which the abbey and college committed to purchasing.
In July 2015 Ampleforth Plus successfully launched the chocolate business at The Great Yorkshire Show, selling chocolate products over the counter and introducing themselves to a range of potential wholesale and corporate clients. They even presented HRH Prince Charles with a bespoke box of chocolates and truffles. Feedback was excellent with nothing but praise for the quality of the chocolates.
Photos courtesy of Ampleforth Plus.
By the end of 2016 they were supplying chocolates to customers all over the country. Now we are proud to stock Ampleforth products at Brown & Green. This Easter, leave the run-of-the-mill choccies behind and go for something truly eggstraordinary!
Look out for these eggstra special gifts at Brown & Green in our Trentham, Coton Orchard, Derby, Redfields and Grosvenor branches.